August 9th is Book Lovers Day

August 9th is Book Lovers Day

Posted on Aug 1st 2022

National Book Lovers Day is August 9th

Need an excuse to read the day away? August 9th is National Book Lovers Day and what better way to celebrate than by starting a Book Club! They’re a great way to explore different genres (a new read every month), socialize with your book loving friends and keep the reading going strong all year long.

Books (and Snacks) for the Food Lover

To kick it off, host the first meeting and put the focus on food with these flavorful reads. And don’t forget the snacks! Right out of the box, Walkers is the perfect treat to have on hand to perfectly complement iced coffee or tea. You can also get creative and explore our recipes to pair up your lively conversations with these sweet treats made with Walkers Shortbread!



  • Read on…and snack on! For even more tasty food-focused reads, check out these 50 Fabulous Food Novels. And however you decide to celebrate National Book Lovers Day, don’t forget the Walkers Shortbread! Explore all of our delicious Walkers Shortbread recipes to find a sweet treat to serve all your book loving friends.